Free estimations

Please contact us for FREE pension refund estimations. Please provide us with the following information.

Period of stay in JapanYou need more than 6 months of stay in Japan. *example : from March 2017 to October 2019
Type of VISA type of VISA during your stay in Japan
Your monthly incomeaverage monthly salary during yor stay in Japan
bonustotal amount of the bonus during your stay in Japan
Please call us 03-5534-8634 or mail us for your pension refund and tax refund estimations.
  1. How much refund can you get from your pension?
  2. How much Tax return can you get?
  3. Cases

1. How much refund can you get from your pension?

Your payment amount depends on your Employee Pension Insurance coverage periods up to 60 months. If your coverage period is 37 months or longer, your payments will be calculated up to 60 months and your total coverage periods will no longer be valid to apply for other Japanese benefits. The payments are subject to tax.

2. How much Tax return can you get?

When the Pension Refund (Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment) is made by the Japan Pension Service, that payment will be subjected to a 20% tax called Alternative Taxation. Those who are eligible to file for the Pension Refund (Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment) on the Employees Pension Insurance can claim for the tax refund through their tax representative. ( We can be your tax representative)